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Legislative updates from Tony Culpepper – November 2023:

The Legislative agenda for next session and Lobby Day Tuesday January 9th 2024 along with a form you may add any issues that you would like the Legislative committee to consider. Just fill it out and bring it to the next meeting to be passed on.


Legislative Priorities for 2023

April 4, 2023 – The SC House of Representatives passes the law banning “Carolina Squat” vehicles from SC roads.  Ralph Bell, ABATE of SC Legislative Coordinator, explains the process for the bill to become a law.  Several members of ABATE were in the gallery and got to see the law passed and got a thumbs up from bill sponsor Rep. Chris Wooten. Thank you to House bill sponsors Reps. Wooten, Pope, Yow, M.M. Smith, Burns and Forest.


Legislative updates from Tony Culpepper – June 2023:

The DUI Interlock Law (A55, R64, S36) was passed and signed by the Governor.  The law was amended to provide that drivers of motorcycles are exempt from having ignition interlock devices installed on these vehicles.  (This was done because Interlock does not make a device that can put on a motorcycle)
From Mike Joyce on a bill in the State of Connecticut House:
05/23/23: Today the House discussed HB-5917, and an amendment was proposed that, among other things, removes Section 3 (the universal helmet law). The amendment was passed, and the bill (as amended) was also passed. This is Great News! However, before breaking out that rare vintage Champagne (or whatever you use to celebrate), keep in mind that the remaining bill itself will then go to the Senate, where (although unlikely) someone could propose an amendment that would reinstate Section 3. We are keeping a close watch on this, but are tentatively optimistic.
Looks like we’ll survive this year.
From the desk of Senator Marlon Kimpson
March 12, 2023: I want to thank the people of Senate District 42 for electing me to serve in the South Carolina Senate for nearly a decade. It is with great excitement and sadness that I inform you that effective June 21, 2023, I will officially resign my position as State Senator representing Charleston and Dorchester counties. On March 10, 2023, I was appointed by President Joseph Biden, Jr. to the Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations. While this is not a full-time position, it will require my time and attention to matters arising in connection with the development, implementation, and administration of United States trade policy. I do not take this action lightly. I have made this decision while balancing the responsibilities of my grade school children and full-time law practice.
At the outset of this journey, I pledged to the people of District 42 that I would go to Columbia and work hard every day—that I would not cower in the face of adversity but stand resolute to make sure that every child could get a good public education, breathe clean air, drink clean water, and that every citizen in this state would have the opportunity to live the American dream. We’ve done a lot of great things but there is so much more to do.
There’s a hymn we sang when I was a little boy in the church choir: “May the Work I’ve Done Speak for Me.” I hope the work I’ve done speaks volumes for the people of Senate District 42 and the citizens of our state.
It’s been an honor of a lifetime to serve in the South Carolina Senate.
Please take a moment and click on the link below to watch my farewell speech on the Senate floor on May 11th, the last day of the regular session of this year.
Marlon Kimpson

Clicking on the pictures below will enlarge them.  These of some of the legislative priorities for 2023.

This law has been passed and is in affect.


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